This is the link to the damage that was done. I tried searching the site for his name and the location of woodbine maryland and nothing came up so maybe someone on here might notice the cars.
Gotta be happy it wasn't his house and family but man that would make me sick to my stomach to see my cars like that. Hopefully he has Hagerty or one of the good Collector car insurance companies that won't give him a bunch of grief.
This Video show the guy that owns the shed if anyone might recognize him.
I know it's hard for some on here to believe...but there are actually longtime Maverick/Comet owners who have never heard of this site, and couldn't care less about the internet in general lol. Psst...there are even other Maverick/Comet clubs out there...
computer + Maverick/Comet= they know about this site... I have searched for...non-Mav/Comet parts and have found links to this site... (Scooper, talks about everything)...
We get them not to often but we get little ones, my friends house got hit last year not a lot of damage mostly trees. As for Woodbine it's about thirty miles from me. Last nights storms around here produced 3 tornados and a Water Spout over the bay. Sad thing is I bet those cars are a total loss or not covered at all.
A couple of years back, we had a tornado rip through Mountain Top Pa tearing roofs off of homes and uprooting mature oak trees - At the time, we were in a restauraunt fairly near the tornado's path when the power went out and it got as dark as night out - never saw such a thing around here before so you never know
I agree. I know of alot of older guys who have hoards of cars and parts that don't even own a computer.
I know some car guys that don't have an ATM card or cell phone. They write a check at the bank to get cash and look in the local news paper and trader ads for car parts.
good for him his family is okay but that would really add salt to the wound if his insurance if any doesnt cover the damage to his cars
I'm about 70 miles south and asked my bride this morning if we had insurance for this act of nature... Time for coverage.
It's rare, but on April 28 - 2002 " La Plata ", Md. was hit by a multiple vortex F4 tornado! Just about anywhere in the continental U.S. can get a tornado. We all should count our blessings that most tornadoes aren't the F4's and 5's!