Tranny is acting up. Obviously its a C4, It was rebuilt a little over a year ago. It goes into second gear great, and then sometimes it just stays in second(barely on the throttle). This doesn't happen every time I drive it. Sometime it seems like its fixed. Sometimes when going from 2 to 3 its seems like the engine is bogged down but I know its not the engine. It doesn't accelerate or decelerate, just kinda makes a low pitch noise, until I give it a little gas and then it shifts. I do not want to rebuild again..any help?
First, check your linkage adjustment. Adjust it in driveThe shift lever on the transmission has a nut -loosen it once you have the shifter in Drive then retighten it without letting the shifter move or the lever at the transmission. It may be a valve body problem. they warp over time if the bolts are overtightened. You can remove the valve body and check each valve one at a time to be sure it moves freely in the valve body. If it does not - then polish the valve with 400 - 600 grit wet or dry sandpaper. clean and lube each valve as you put it back in place. tighten the bolts with a nut spinner -a socket with a screwdriver handle. to no more than 10 inch pounds. If that doesn't work then let me know.
Could be the pressure valve on top of your filter, if it was left out you will get some slushy shifts, link below and then to my post on second page is another link discussing the problem