Okay so I was given a 1977 ford maverick from my neighbor who said if I'm gonna work of it I can have it, that was about a month ago, no ive been working diligently on this 4 door about two months and got it back up and running and now it is my commuter car for college. Now to the actual issue, in the mornings when I'm about to go to school or anytime I leave the car setting for an extended amount of time then get back in it it has trouble going into drive. I have to jimmy it or take the column shift all the way to the right at the two to get it to switch to drive, and its beginning to frustrate me! any help? should I just head over to pull-a-part and snatch up a new c4 this weekend? also where would I get a floor shift kit because I would like to ultimately switch to that
...and what makes you think there is a C-4 at...pull-a-part... will it go into any gear? could be...morning sickness...
yeah it goes into gear, and i think there are c4's at pull apart because i seen them and also there are 3 comets and 2 mavericks with transmissions intact
Check your shift linkage first...Sounds like worn out bushings/misadjustment...If its good...Yeah, morning sickness...Time for a re-build...You dont really think your going to find a ready to go C-4 in the junk yard do you??? You will most likely still have to go through a J/Y trans. Cars aint in the scrap yard cause their good runners or drivers...Good luck man!!!
here... Pull-A-Part...is a chain of salvage yards. they only keep cars for 30 days, then crush them. we have an older...JUNKYARD...that has cars as far back as the...A model...10 Mav/Comets... "in the mornings when I'm about to go to school or anytime I leave the car setting for an extended amount of time then get back in it it has trouble going into drive". ...Morning sickness...
A fluid and filter change will probably cure this. If you do it yourself make sure to remove the filter carefully as some models have a spring and valve that will come out when you remove the filter. It is important that these two parts are reinstalled correctly!
So tonight when I get home ill check my linkage and replace the fluids and filters, I probably should have thought of replacing the filters first considering how dirty the car was...like the car was so bad there was mud in the gas tank and carb...if neither of these are causing the issues I guess I will be buying a new trans...ugh stuff is so hard to afford as a 17 yearold highschool/college student
Waaaaay more work than what you want to tackle. If the tranny is bad, just get the one you have now rebuilt.
that is an entirely different transmission, you will need the transmission, clutch, flywheel, both brake and clutch pedal, all the linkage, shifter, and a hole in your floorboard and the shifter hump. bet sure, can be done. gonna cost you to do this. cool mod though.
I got a read to run C4 from a junkyard once. Came out of a near perfect 77 4-door. Had already been unbolted from the motor for me.