A while back the tranny went out in my mark vii. I was going to take the motor out and use it in the maverick, but certain circumstances have forced me to buy another transmission and put it in the mark vii, I got it all in and put the starter in. and when I was putting it in I noticed the torque convertor bolts were hitting the cover plate. Could it be possible that the cover plate is bent and not allowing the motor to start. because the bolts on the convertor are hitting the plate? I gotta figure this out, and it has me pulling my hair out. I am thinking this is what it is, and was just wondering if anyone else has had there cover plate bend in any of there cars.
I know that, the bolts from the torque convertor go through the flexplate and you put the nuts on them, they are either long enough that the are hitting it or the coverplate is bent I think this is what is going on. I am just wondering if it has happened to anyone else before, that way I don't go off in the wrong direction with this problem.
I think I am going to try and bend it in the car before i tear it all apart again because it is kind of a tight fit in there.
Chris, is it possible you don't have the convertor all the way in the bellhousing. I know when installing mine the convertor went in a ways and then with alittle movement back and forth it went all the way in. Mitch
what i did was:1. got the transmission strapped onto the jack under the car 2. I put the convertor in the transmission and turned it clockwise with the weight off of it and got it locked in 3: jacked it up into place and turned the motor until the torque convertor bolts lined up and pulled the whole thing into place and started by bolting down the torque convertor and then the bell housing.
Don't you need to bolt down the bell housing first then the converter? Iv always seated the converter all the way into the trans. then lifted the trans into place. started 4 of the bell housing bolts. line up the converter studs with the flex plate. then tighten the housing bolts. then use a screw driver to pull the converter into the flex plate and install the nuts.
Did yo have to pull the bell housing up to the block or did it come up against it before you put the bolts in? If you had to use the bolts to pull it together you may have a broken pump and housing.........