this is just for fun thought you guys might like it the smallest is a holset he351 off a 04-07 dodge cummins the same as my mavericks, the next is a mack truck and the big one is a airesearch off of a detroit diesel it has an ar ratio of .96 on the intake and 1.32 on the exh here are the measurements air inlets 5 1/2 4 3/8 4 inlet wheel 3 1/2 2 7/16 2 1/4 compresser outlet 3 1/2 3 1/8 2 3/4 exh flange t6 t6 t3 exh wheel 4 3 2 1/4 exh outlet 5 1/8 4 3/8 4 3/8
here are the wheel sizes in mm's intake 89mm 62mm 57mm exh 101 mm 76mm 57mm so if you go by the exh side i know the small one is good to like 450 horsepower so that means the mack would be about 600hp and the airesearch is good for 800hp