My TiVo decided that I might want to catch a show on one of our local PBS stations called "EARTH REVEALED: Introductory to Geology" and recorded it as a suggestion. The episode title of "Mass wastings" caught my attention so I figured I would check it out. After all I had to find out what the heck is a mass wasting? Ends up being about the various ways earth moves (land slide, mud slide etc...) Not real exciting stuff unless your a geologist or live where you might have land slides. Anyway, about half way through it they were showing the results of a mud slide. They show a Maverick with mud inside and out up to the bottom of the windows. They did not say when or where the video was taken but the show was made in the early 90's.
aww poor thing idk if ifs even worth the time and effort but usually in the end credits they name all the diffrent sourses of the video clips and pics used in the actual film
Holy crap that's quite the picture, it's sad when you see yet another Maverick that has basically died. On the other hand it's nothing that a little paint, wax, new tires and a few windows can't fix.