Opened box and just found out the Hooker 6901's do not come with reducers. Why... not sure, not too happy about that. Anyway, I have a maybe 300+ HP 302. Wanted to know what size pipe to run which will also end up being the size reducer I buy. I will not buy from Hooker though. A rep told they started selling them seperatley to of course "make a few extra bucks". What makes them think people will buy theirs though? What seems typical on the pipe size for this motor. No stall or track car. Just street only. Also, does anyone know of a good inexpensive reducer that mates well with their headers.
i used 2 1/4 exhaust all the way out.. with dual flowmaster 40 series mufflers it sounds bad ass if i say so myself.. well.. here.. listen for yourself
yeah the road was a little rocky.. it was the only thing i could find without being on a major road.. we brushed some of them away with our feet.. and no.. that is not why i was able to break traction.. it was all motor..
300 RWHP or 300 FWHP? ...and what size reducer were you expecting with your headers? you are asking "what size pipe to run"? so Hooker (and any place else) will need the same info to get you the right reducer... JMO ......
Not everyone who buys headers uses reducers. My next time around I'm considering using 3" diameter collector extensions that taper down to 2 1/2" at about 20" length.
71gold. I am not sure, that's why I was asking on the pipe size. I looked on Summit yesterday and you need to know what pipe to get the right reducer.
you cant go wrong with 2 1/4 or 2 1/2 pipe.. you could go 3" but you better have the intake and engine to support it
i had 2 1/2 coming off of the header to the muffler then reduced again to 2" to get over the axle. i had to take it off due to the fact that the 2" bend was chokeing the life out of my engine. i would suggest 2 1/2 all the way but it is a real pain to get them out the rear past the gas tank. i went with 3" glasspacks attached to the collector and i love it. very loud tho.
His 70 Mav doesn't have the problem with the gas tank sender on the side. 2 1/4" would be fine for your combo, 2 1/2" wouldn't hurt. I wouldn't go any bigger.
if he doesn't have the sender then i would stick with 2 1/2 ". that way if he ever added h.p. he would already be set up for it. T.L.-- thanks for sharing your opinion. unless you have seen a my set up and helped me tune it in person then your opinion as to my choices doesn't really matter. i am running 365 fwhp and needed the extra breathing room. not all engines run exactly alike. and yes i (and everyone who crowds around it at the shows) like the "noise" it makes.
My muffler guy said that 3" would be too much, and put on 2-1/2" all the way with a reducer right after my dumps. 24" glasspacks. I had them out the side in front of the rear wheels, but had to cut them off to put on caltracs, and now will downturn them just after the glasspacks. Legal here...luckily.