OK, I know our Mavs aren't late model luxury vehicles (well, I think some on here might be but not most of us). I really want to make my Mav my total every day driver and everyone who rides with me including myself thinks it's too loud, too smelly, too bumpy and just in general too uncomfortable in the car. What can I do to make the inside quieter, have less exhaust/fuel smell, and just in general more comfortable. Any suggestion in welcome here.
Dynamat and new weather stripping make a big difference, and don't take anyone with you, it'll be much quieter.
i have an LDO and i hate the comfy stuff especially the luxor look inside and out. i want the opposite lol. y shouldve gotten an LDO to begin with.
when my interior is redone someday its not gonna have the LDO buckets but they look better than a bench and i drive my car everyday to school
One of the perks of drivng an older car is feeling like you are part of the road, not away from it. You will never acheive that new car type feeling with a 30+ year old vehicle. As for the exhaust smells - Unless the choke is shut while warming up - It really shouldn't smell a whole lot. A tune up might help in that area.
ok heres a solution for you... install a motor that has EFI system to solve the gas odor and have better performance and responsiveness. replace all worn out suspension bushings for better comfort ride. replace weather strippings and put dynomat to insulate noise. redo the seats with more paddings....
It's an old car.Compared to what we've become used to over the last 10-20 years,it's gonna be loud,smelly,and uncomfortable.Old weatherstrip,and 35+ year old parts don't help much either.
I like my 65 mustang seats. If not for the gear and all that crap my car drives and rides as good to me as any. Id drive it every day.
Just to Quote brother Everet. The pleasin odor is half the point! To Each his own, i love old cars. I work at a dealer and honestly id have a maverick over a new car 99% of the time.
I had the exact same problem - "...smells old", "...seats are uncomfortable", "...heater is weak", "...noisy rumbling exhaust". I solved *ALL* those problems - I don't drive my girlfriend around any more. Haven't heard a complaint since. The only comments I get now are guys look-seeing at gas stations. Personally I love the smell, the noise, and the seats.
I guess after over 80,000 miles behind the wheel of a Maverick, I just got used to all that at some point. I do have a squeaking sound that recently started coming from somewhere under my dash that is driving me nuts. I put '72 Grabber high back buckets in my car in June of last year. I find them to be much more comfortable then the bench that was originally in there. My lower back used to start getting sore if I drove the car for more then a couple of hours with the bench. Now with the buckets, I drove the car 875 miles in one day a while back and my back never got sore, I was on the road for 14 hours that day.
Too Loud - Magnaflo's Too Smelly - Windows Down Too Bumpy - Monroes Too Uncomfortable - LDO's Problems Sloved :Handshake