Got The Old Mave Running The Stock 95 302 Roller Sounds Bad To The Bone (bone Stock That Is ) Im Ready To Race But All The Tracks Or Down---- We Have HAD Some Hot Weather Its 70 Here Now Had Good Weather To Work On This Thing
Man, that thing looks SLOW! To the guys who don't know or remember, this is your 'slow' Maverick to bracket race, right? What are you going to do with the FAST Maverick? HMP seems to still be running strong. In fact, they're making improvements to it as we speak, er... write. Good luck with your new toy. I know you'll have fun with it.
Rick we will be in baytown to race the clash (n/e the race maverick) and to see them fast fords show off and were going to the houston (1/8 mile) next sat. We have some of the street boys running it will be fun but they said we may have some 30 temps by next week that will be some cool raceing. Slowmav is ready to race i got the 5 lug (drums) hubs on the front and i need to change the rear (8"). Im going to try to just change the backing plates drums and axle to the 5 lug i think it will work thats what i did on the front it worked fine. Hope to see you down your way the next two weekends
Unless you get real lucky, the 5-lug axles, etc will not fit your 4-lug rear end. I tried it for giggles, and to see for myself -- and the bolt spacing is larger, and the bearings are larger.
i had thought about having the axles redrilled,to 5 lug would it work? found a different rear so wont need to now.
Good luck at Baytown and HMP. Unfortunately, I'm going to be out of town both weekends. I have my daughter flying in from Columbus, OH and we'll be making the holiday trek to my kin in LA. Have fun, be safe, and let us know how you did.
I have the rear end out of the v-8 (5 lug) car i will put it in thanks for the info save me some time This was a 6 cyl car and the brakes were bad leaking no one had kit or w cly for them but the 72 v-8 drums the wheel cly was 11 bucks each new and the new lines were 10 bucks each all at advance auto parts The front wheel cly for the 5 lug drums well not work in the 4 lug drums. I am doing this so i can run a stock deep steel rim with the rings and hub caps i have a set of them 5 hole
the sprint was the v8 car its on the way to Houston it will be on the road someday but it may be a BMW or something like that. I used all the parts to build this one and i have some spare parts i put up i try to keep every piece of them before i hall them off
i have picked up a lot of mavericks but the sprint is the first. Had seen pictures but this is the only one i ever ran across. I think it was a very good looking car with the paint job it had on it. Were they all the same color (sprint) what numbers where made
Ivy, Is that the same car I was going to buy from you (before my kid destroyed his car and ate up my playtoy money)???
thinking of selling my real race car. i have been thinking about a one ton truck to go to Louisiana to work the clean up. got a friend that's doing it and making good money. Retiring next year anyway and this trucking thing sounds interesting. Here is my real race car not sure on a price lots of hard work in this car??????????????? 6500.00 ready to race