Some1 mentioned vanity plates in another thread. Who has vanity plates on there Mav or Comet. I do and I think mine says it all. EXTECY
It is me and wagesofsin... Look lower in this section..see link if my copy works....he is working up the design, I have sample posted of what I was looking to make--both Maverick and Comet...tom
BGCNTRY (Big Country), in honor of my son when he was in Iraq. His buds gave him that nickname. Just on the racecar, others have ordinary plates.
Got an IHRA tag on the Comet.My Pink Floyd dark side of the moon airbrushed plate has been on several of my cars/trucks.It now lives on the Escort,at least making it a teeny bit cool.
plate i've got a buddy that manages the dmv in town here, we sat down at his computer and came up with this.alot of different combinations of "maverick " or "grabber " etc were taken already.i was happy with this