Here is a video of my Comet on the dyno. I started this in the drag racing forum but thought it may be better suited here, please direct me were to go if its Ive gotten a bunch of grief from guys on other sites about the validity of the rpms the power was made at. It sure goes beond rational belief in engine building that a 306 with afr 165's,Hyd 224/244@ 050 cam, rpm air gap would make power to 7,000. But what do you do ?? I have a video a graph and I know the dyno is correct based on trap speed through the 1/4 of the hundreds of cars that have come off of it. Anyway enough of my raint here is the video for you veiwing pleasure...
OK, gotta start asking questions. Why did they run it so long at half-throttle before nailing it? When I watched them do Rick Books, it was start up and almost instantly nailed it. Sounds nice, and very respectable numbers. I shift mine at 6500 and the difference between 6500 and 7000 sounds pretty scary
Thanks man !! It was me running the car, I had just finished changing jets and wanted to make sure sure the temp was the same between runs and oil pressure looked good. I started the run at 3000 rpm though the graph dosnt show it. Its pretty easy push the green button to record the run and smash the hammer down, at the end of the run hit the green button to stop the recording. I like it think Ill do it more often....LOL
I was wondering if you were warming it up, and I guess, in a way, you were. I will run mine on a dyno as soon as I rebuild the transmission. I am afraid that if I keep hitting 6500 on my old stock tranny, It will end up all over the road or on the dyno floor. Got a brand new engine in there with less than 100 miles, just afraid to drive it on the old leaky trans.
No Frank... showing YOU what the car can do on paper. Someday I will be able to fully understand them #s too