Some member(s) of the forum have the WORM_MYTOB.FT worm(virus) on their computer. This worm is sending e-mails with random e-mail addresses it finds on the infected computer and attaching itself to the email. The virus sends random messages asking the recipient to open the attachment in order to prevent the suspension of their account. One of these messages had the from field as "" and the subject of the email was "Member Support". As a member of the Maverick/Comet forum, this would look like a legitmate email that I would send out. Unfortunatly, this email contains a virus and the email asks you to open the attachment to confirm your account. If you dont have an up-to-date virus scanner (update your virus definitions every 1-2 weeks), your computer will be infected and will be used by the virus to spread itself to all your contacts. If you dont have a virus scanner, here is a free one you can use Here is more info on Computer viruses and spyware. One last thing, I will never send an e-mail asking you to open an attachment to confirm your account. If you get such an e-mail please delete it ASAP.
Thanks for keeping us informed. I haven't seen it yet (and don't plan to)...but if I have to use a windows machine, I'll know what to look for.
here's a virus solution if anyone is interested its different than windows but i've loved it ever since i started using it. viruses are a joke in the unix world. if you want to sample it, try downloading knoppix from and burn the cd image onto a cd. you can run it from the cd to do web surfing without even touching your windows partition. then to go back to windows just restart and take the cd out. p.s. hey Stefan, this site is one of the best run sites i've ever seen. you do a really great job making sure everything runs well. that was really cool of you to warn everyone about the virus as soon as you noticed there was a problem. we're all lucky that your into computers and also a maverick enthusiast. thanks for starting and maintaining this site.