I went with a new MSD dizzy, #8582, but I could not get it to clear the water temp sending unit. (electrical) So, I went to a manual sending unit )(yes, ALL new gauges) and it still did not sit all the way down. Now, I just got home with my brand new small diamter dizzer and guess what? It sits to low and again hits the H20 sending unit. What are you folks running out there for a dizzy and how does it clear the sending unit ? I am running a Weiand Accelerator manifold that only has one port for the sending unit and one port for the water return hose. I am frustrated AND GOING BROKE! Ideas ?
I am running the 8582 Had it on a TORKER II, Super Victor and Victor JR. No issues with my sending unit.
I am running the 8582 Used it with an Edelbrock Torker II as well as an Edelbrock Performer RPM Air Gap. No clearance issues with my sending unit.
This silly little swap has cost m 2 car shows. Errr, is it possible to drill and tap another hole in the rear of the mainfold ? Here is the issue
If all else fails you could clearance the fitting or the cap edge to gain the room you need.Good luck.
I am on my 10th (or more) fitting change. I have already cut-off half the threads on the bushing! It is not the cap, it is the base.
I was thinking that too. Both the hoses going from the intake to the water pump are flowing OUT of the motor, yes? Therefore would be a good read on the water temps prior to cooling via the radiator. Err, what a pain in the #$#@!
Swap your sender to the outer hole where you now have the water line and run a 45 dgee pipe fitting on the inner hole to run your water line from. If you get a "close 45" and angle it away from the distributor you should have mm's of clearance.
That's all he needs to do. Plug the temp sender hole, and install a "T" fittting on the other, using either a brass or stainless fitting.
Pauol, that is a good thought. I just need to find a very low profile fitting! I will try that before I make up some sort of a TEE configuration. Geezo, what a pain! The heater hose idea does not work with a mechanical gauge. The probe is longer than the hose is wide. I called Weiand (Holly) and they said all the newer versions of my manifold have "multiple" water ports! Oh well, I was supose to race at Pinks All Out this weekend and a car show on Sunday. Now I just get to play plumber! THANKS FOR THE IDEAS!