I've replaced some of my gallery pictures no poll wanted or needed and I've read posts by members feeling they are often Dissed at car shows or in the public in local areas because they are not Mustang's or Camero's. I wouldnt be offended if you hate the big bumpers, I owned a small bumper 72 Comet GT years ago. I swear to G-d the big bumper has grown on me. I've read many posts by members feeling they are often Dissed at car shows or in their local areas because they are not Mustang's or Camero's. I bought my Maverick and Comet because they were so different one of my co-worker's of many years couldn’t believe I was going to get one, they are so ugly. Why he said? He now tells me I never thought I'd say it but I'm liking your car more every time I see it. I let him drive it once he told me really liked the way it sounded.
No poll wanted or needed and I've read so many posts by members feeling they are often Dissed at car shows or in their local areas because they are not Mustang's or Camero's. No poll wanted or needed nor would I be offended if you hate the big bumpers, I owned a small bumper 72 Comet GT years ago and I swear to G-d the big bumper has grown on me. I've read many posts by members feeling they are often Dissed at car shows or in their local areas because they are not Mustang's or Camero's. I bought my Maverick and Comet because they were so different one my co-worker of many years couldn’t believe I was going to get one they are ugly. Now he tells me I never thought I'd say it but I'm liking your car more every time I see it. I let him drive it once he told me really liked the way it sounded. Dang I cant the pic to load!
Would have been easier and cheaper to build a Mustang. The mustang aftermarket stuff is cheaper than finding a good oem Maverick part and readily available. You really gotta be dedicated to a Maverick, any Joe Blow can build a Mustang and park with the other Joe Blows at the car show.
If the administrators out there could you put as attachments from my Gallery My74, BibBumper74, and BBsAreFine? I got to go now.
It's no matter Everybody can tell you anything, things like "Mustang is history", "That kind of cars drinks gas like water, if you gona have one, at least get a famous one". That is what every told me wen i get my 76 Mav, and they are right, but no one can't deny the beautiful shape that have a Mav, that kind of beautifull of a foreing woman, you know? it's a xtrange love, but you need love a Mav to really understand what it is, a strong 302 ci intimidates everybody, get chikenpops
next time your in salt lake with your car you should let me know i would love to take a look at it some time and vise versa next time i'm up that way i will shoot you a pm it would be great to get to know some one from the forum.
Looks great! And the bumper conversion is always an option. I love big bumpers on two tone cars like the 74/75 grabbers and the 76 stallions, they seem to work better with the color break.
Bumpers My 73 has small bumpers. If it had big bumpers when I bought it, it wud have them when I sold it. I don't have any issues w/ any bumpers. I don't have any issues w/ those who have big bumpers wanting to swap; it's their car and choice.
Thanks guys! Bart, Mark and I know we have two members in the Layton area too we should all try and meet somewhere maybe Centerville. If Bart's car isn't running yet I'm sure my car will make it to Salt Lake City, I’ve made it to the car shows in Logan and Brigham City. It would be Cool to get together before the snow falls I met Mark last year. If not maybe this spring 2011 we could do it. My time maybe limited, I'm doing good but my heart has a tendency to go off the charts. I was taking a shower two weeks ago and couldn’t decide who should get my car (relatives) and then it hit me I should get 10 names of people I barley know and have someone draw names from a hat. My neighbor and brother laughed and liked the idea my girlfriend said should I die she's taking my car and Ben my dog (Photo included I was so sick I took myself out of the picture I went from 158 lbs to 137 before the doctors would listen to me.)and driving off. I laughed and said I can just see it ending like Thelma & Louise or a fireball like Dirty Larry, Crazy Mary.