Suspension coils, which ones worked out the best for you? I put in a set of Espo coils and geez the front is riding probably 2 inches higher than the rear, and that's with putting some time in them to sag down. I've taken the AC out and swapped the heads so that lightened up the front some but didn't think the difference would of been THAT much. I've searches through the database here and it looks like a lot of people have had to cut their coils to get the desired ride height. I'd like to avoid cutting if possible and find a pair that fit but that seems like a trial of hit or miss depending on the maker of them and then the part numbers. Are mustang coils interchangeable and has anyone tried them if so? Like most, I put in new leaf springs as well from general spring. The car is a 77' 4 door with a 302 w/PS. Thanks in advance!
Our springs are the same as early Mustang. I'm running the original 40 year old 6 cylinder springs in mine. Wheel offset will affect ride height, provides more or less leverage on the coil spring through the control arm.
Try the 6 cylinder would bring it down, that AC and those heads might feel like nothing in weight but it will make alittle difference. Go with the six springs...the 302's wieght will provide just enough compression that you will still have comfort and drivability, while having the correct stance.
I thought about the 6 cylinder springs but saw that some people said there isn't that much of a difference between them and the 8 cylinder. As there's only a what, 40-60lb difference between the engines? Might look into finding some 6 cylinder springs with no AC and what that brings but I would hate doing swap after swap to find something right. Might lose a finger or a nut in the process... Thanks
i have a 70 mav stock inline 6 front springs and air shocks in the rear this was with the same setup on my 72 mav but with 68 mustang 2'' front lowering springs
I have the stock 6 cyl 200 springs in my Sprint. It sits right and workes well going down the road with a 351 in it.