Ok this should be fun, I know alot of you have named your car, so what is it's name and why did you name it that? Please Mavericks or Comets only that you own, I'll start it out with mine....... My 1971 Maverick grabber is named "The Mo' Money Maverick or Grabber" I name it this because it always takes Mo' Money to improve it. My future 1971 Maverick Grabber will be named "The Yo' Money Maverick or Grabber" it will be name this because I will buy and build it using only money I recieved from tips at my work. Everyone has always called me money so it kinda works both ways for me.
Trixie, the reason is because of the fact that my friend and i were having a conversation and that just kinda came about and stuck
I really don't have a name for the car but my wife does........ She calls it the "money pit". My car calls me "goose" when we ride together.
Hey Ray, what's up? haven't seen you in here in a while, car giving you trouble? I finally settled down and got busy doing some desperately needed things on my Grabber, right now it has no interior at all, my headliner is supposed to be done tomorrow, (but I've heard that before) my upholstery guy has had major trouble getting the vinyl in my color so it's been slow, good to see you in here again.
purple haze what else cause thats all the chebbies and slopars see when im beating them down the track