I know how to install and I already took old one out. So Should I just buy an alum or copper? 1/2/3 rows? Also should I just referb orig? It cost 75. around 150/220 for new one. Help me out guys thanks and also I cut my trany line on the bottom to radiator I bought a copper line (ya i know) but I should put in the metal one instead? Its going to cost me to get that new line in metal. im not sure how much. thanks
For $75 I would probably get the old one referbed. That is not a bad price. If you want, you can get new tranny lines, pre-bent, from www.RightStuffDetailing.com
referb. if the radiator can take it...if they have to...recore, a new one would be better...:Handshake
I just had the radiator done in my 70 Maverick 302. It is a 3 core factory. I couldn't fine a new one anywhere, price was $340. Had to get it recored for $380. Had it back in 2 days. The guy said he would put it up against any aluminum radiator & it would cool better, plus it's the original radiator that came with the 302. Glad I got it done & it's original & new. My choice to stay with stock & not go aluminum.
I checked with my Guy at Advance Auto parts...3 row....$203...my cost $149. I've bought these for myself and others over the years...it will have to be ordered... ......
thanks. I Took in the orig. Now I just need my t-line fixed. I heard rubber but I would like to get steel tubing if I can find it.
transmission line. can I use the T'Lines off a 1972 comet? I found some for 60$ for both.. They are pre/bent though so it has to be an exact fit>?
Did the 72' Comet have a V8? Also, if you have headers and the 72' did not you may have problems. I found out the hard way.
Since I am buying one, can you define what you mean by "Tight Fit", or better yet send some pictures.
The drain petcock hits the front cross member. Several of us had to notch the crossmember for clearance. The bottom radiator hose JUST clears the cross member when installed on the radiator outlet. The radiator cap is probably pretty close to the hood but doesn't touch. But, you'll love it.