I just got my 1973 Ford Maverick v8 running good and bought some new tires now wondering what are some other main upgrades to make this a good badass daily driving car.
Why would one suggest upgrading the rear brakes and not mention the front that also came with drums??????? I'd be working on the other end first...
I would consider upgrading the front brakes at the very least, if not, all four to disc. For a Daily Driver, I'd also make sure the front suspension and steering was up to date with good MOOG components for safe and reliable travels. Other safety-related things you may want to consider would be the headlight relay upgrade. http://mmb.maverick.to/resources/installtion-of-head-light-relays.162/ Daily Driver duties place a lot of pressure on these older cars...
If disc brakes are too much to tackle at this point at least go over the drum brakes and bearings. The parts are readily available. Also get your transmission and rear end lube changed. M.D.
"what are some other main upgrades to make this a good badass daily driving car?" it wasn't suggested as the FIRST thing to do. I suggested rear Disc, you suggest front... when he puts his...RC-107 kit... in he will have front Disc...