hey, fellows my wife has given me a bunch of grief over my car and I'm not sure that having the car is worth the headache of keeping it . She gives me a bunch of crap and ready to literally give the damned thing away, just to get some peace. i will be ready to install the engine and trans. The interior is not in and the car needs alot of work. I just don't have the room or time according to my wife to finish my car. I am really tired of dealing with all the grief of all the trouble that my car has caused in my relation and I'm looking for any viable suggestion to try to fix my problem please guys any help would be appreciated
Sound like you need a new wife.Seriously,maybe it should be brought to her attention that the car keeps you around home,and after all you could be down at the bar w/the boys,chasing women,doing drugs and all sorts of stuff that's much more corrosive to a relationship than "that @^%$* old car".If that don't work,well you cave now it just gets worse.Good luck
Wives are easier to find than Mavericks ..... hide the assets and file for divorce if she is making your life miserable ... why live like that?
Well here's a thought. Offer to have the car taken to another location to work on it so your wife won't have to see it anymore. Then when you want to work on it, she won't have to see YOU there working on it. Of coarse, then she will most likey complain that you are never around. Sometimes you guys have to stand up and say, "Look. This is MY hobby. This my stress reliever and I really enjoy working on it. It keeps me at home, so I'm still here if you need me." In other words, why should you be forced to give up something you enjoy because your wife dosen't like it. I often wonder how many car projects have been abandoned because someone's wife threw a hissy fit and the poor guy caved. It all seems a little one sided if you ask me. I mean really now, how many guys feel so threatened by thier wives hobbies ( gardening, knitting, cooking, whatever) that they insist that the wife gives up that hobby because they are spending too much time on it or it cost too much? Not many that I know of. Marrige is all about compromise, so if all else fails try a little give and take. Tell her you'll give up the car if she gives up a hobby she truely enjoys. An even compromise. If she won't do it, then neither should you. However, I would try to keep the work area somewhat cleaned up so there are no tools or parts just laying all over the place. Sometimes little things like that can make a difference. Just don't cave right away. Try to work something out that will make both of you happy.
Rolandag2, The car is a metaphor. She is unhappy about something in her life and she is venting that to your car. Are you spending every waking moment working or thinking about working on your car? (I have been guilty of that one) Do you have a date night? I know it sounds silly but between kids and work and hobbies there may not be a lot of time left for the two of you. Try asking her if anything is wrong aside from the car. If you can find the real problem then you can make a desicion on what to do about it. You might find its not the car at all. Just trying to help. Jerryfow2
Great advise Jean. With you 100%. My wife doesn't really like all the time and money I spend on my cars but she also knows how happy it makes me. She even seems proud when something turn out real good. Rolan I would put the car aside for a week or so and spend every minute with her doing what she wants and I bet you she won't like that either. No offence to the women on this forum (we all know you are great gals) but my buddy's and I talk from time to time and feel that most women do not have a hobby and don't have a passion for anything like men do. Therefore they can't understand our passions, whatever they might be. One other thing to try is to get her involved in some way or another. Good luck to you.
Roland, there are two sides to every story and you are presenting a very one-sided point of view for people here to base their impressions on. I have kept silent in your several other threads as you bash your wife for her lack of understanding, whilst feeling you are justified in doing so simply because you're working constant double shifts and bringing home the bacon, and only get home to sleep about four hours a day. Well Roland, marriage is not only about providing your spouse with financial support. It's a total partnership. I would wager she's feeling neglected because you're physically and emotionally absent from this relationship. And no amount of money, nice cars, nice house etc. that you give her is going to make up for you not being there. Maybe if you try to see things from her side, she'll be more understanding about your hobby. I guess Jamie's not the only one who likes to play devil's advocate. :evilsmile
I think most women DO have hobbies, but they may not be a physical hobby like working on cars. How about reading, watching movies, spending time with friends, etc. Anything you voluntarily spend a decent amount of free time on could be considered a hobby. I really hate to hear about things like this. I think that couples should support each others hobbies/stress relievers as long as they don't have a negative impact on their health or put them in a bad finacial situation (like bankruptcy). Karma new what she was getting into when she married me as I already had several Mavericks. But she has her hobbies too. I don't like it when there is scrapbooking stuff all over the dining room and I don't think it's a very productive hobby, but she enjoys it and that's what matters. She thinks the same of my car hobby and has never once griped at me about Mavericks. I hope you guys can talk this out. She surely has a hobby as well. I think these things are important for everyone to have, because when its a one way street, there's usually a dead end. I wish you the best of luck with this.
Since I live so close and know Roland and family personally, I will NOT get involved with the domestic issues. BUT, when you decide to GIVE THE CAR AWAY...call me first!!! (Gotta keep a little humor, regardless of the situation) Best of luck with whatever solution you work out...
not bashing hey fellows (MAPLE) I don't like to bash on my wife I love her dearly and If I didn't then I would not contemplate giving up the car. I do understand that I work alot but she new what she was getting into when she married me. I have one more yr on my mortgage left on my house and thats why I'm working so much overtime to try and pay off my house so I can take more time off and spend with my wife and kids. I have been married for 14 yrs and I'm 34 yrs old and spent 5 yrs together b4 we got married. I believe she is upset bcus she wants more room for her stuff in the garage, and at this point I'm just about to cave into her demands no car is worth the aggrevation that i'm going to suffer from keeping the car, besides I have my bike and that can be my toy. This is not a bashing forum and I would think that it would be unfair for me to say that my wife is being unreasonable although she can be hard to deal with sometimes. I do ask of several things which i don't think they are to much to ask for 1. My wife doesn't have to worry about any money problems or anything else concerning money. She spends alot of time with my children teaching them and raising them properly. 2. I do bring home the bacon and thats what I believe a man should do. Our relationship is built on trust and she has just never embraced the fact that I lvoe to work on old cars whether it be a Ford or Chevy. I hope you guys understand what I'm talking about. My intentions were never to bash my wife I hope I can clarify that issue (MAPLE)
giving up the car hey scott you were the only one that said that you would take it no one else offered so if everything goes the way I think it will I'll be giving you a call on the weekend. The only condition is that it all has to go both cars and all the extra parts the new headers and engine still on stand the whole thing has to go.
exactly , this is why im single , plenty of fish in the sea, notta whole lot of mavericks in the corral