Okay first I bought a 75 Maverick almost a year ago to build have been collecting parts to make a small bumper car. Well this is the dilemma I have just bought a 71 Grabber this last Sunday. Couldn't pass up the deal but the grabber is in need of rust repair and some front sheet metal work. The Grabber is a 302-3 speed car & the 75 is just a shell but (( 95% rust free )).. It will need every thing from wiring to glass a complete interior whole drive train & gas tank ,etc...... SO would you use the 75 Maverick sheet metal to restore the Grabber or not.. I'm having a hard time with cutting up a pretty much rust free car. The Grabber is in need of quarters and right front work. Here are some pic's
Do you have the room for both cars? If you do, buy some quarters, and fix the Grabber, and maybe borrow the fender for now..no need to cut up a good car, if you don't really need to. Still lots of parts to be had out there.
If you have reasonably dry storage, time and patience keep both. Patience is the key, it is amazing what you will find when you find when you do not need it right now. Collect parts and before long you have two cars. Just my two cents worth.
if u have the room then fix them box. if not, the grabber would be a "quicker fixer upper" between the two since it already has a drivetrain and runs/drives.... just my thoughts
First off how rusty is the Grabber? I'm assuming its got some serious issues. IF its only minor rust then ignore everything below. If they were my cars I would use the rust free shell and transfer everything over from the small bumper car. Thats me though. I dont have much use for rusty cars. I also dont think that a real Grabber is worth much more than a clone in the marketplace so the original Grabber thing wouldnt bother me. Thats me though and I know a bunch of guys on here will disagree but thats OK. So I guess it depends if you want to invest the time and money to save the original Grabber or settle for a rust free clone. Other option is sell the rust free shell and put the money into the Grabber. I know someone who is looking for a solid shell but Oklahoma may be too far.
I do have lot of parts just didn't know if I wanted the added expense of doing two cars. The rust in the Grabber is minimal mainly the lower quarters and a little floor work. I can't part a Grabber to make a Grabber there is too much difference in the chassis from a 71 to a 75. Thanks for the input guy's May sell what I have to restore the 71
Well said Darren,I know a guy with a numbers matching very rusty R code Fairlane who is basically useing it as a doner car for a mint California body he has.I really don't like rust either.
OK, now that we know that the rust is minor ... the choice gets tougher. You seem to have a big split going on here ... the work that you have done to the 75 and your graphics in your sig seem to indicate that you have gasser/hot rod intentions. Now you want to "restore" the Grabber? ... as in stock? I personally think a gasified 75 would be cooler than a stock Grabber. I like them both, but what do you want to do? If it is to turn the Grabber into a gasser, I say stick with the 75 and resell the Grabber to some one that wants to restore it. You already have a nice shell that is on its way, and you are going to fill a hot rodded car with non-stock parts.