This is my first posting. I was just given my grandfather's 71 mav 4-door (302 w/auto trans) that he bought new in 1971. I've wanted this car ever since I was a kid and now I'm proud to say it is mine. I'm thinking about maybe turning it into a "4-door grabber". I will gladly take any suggestions on where to find parts. Most online stores seem to have very little for the maverick, imagine that.
Welcome aboard. There are quite a few 4-door owners on here (why, I don't know... just kidding) and some really cool ideas on some of them. Use the search feature above and you'll be able to find most of your answers. Any that you don't, feel free to pick our brains. We'll help any way we can. Good luck with the car.
yeah get use to some parts hard to find , ebay has some , but its sometimes a PITA with the 4x4 maverick from england , to board , oh and dont mind gene and ray , i think they will be ok
Hey Gene...take a look at Andruso's avatar. I think we better give him his thread back. He looks MEAN. J/K Andruso...Gene and I are frien...well, maybe not. Heck, I really don't like him at all cause he lives in Ga but he probably can't help it. Anyway, have fun everybody!
Not every one lives in Ga Ray...sheese You see Andruso? He's a buger...flick, flick. Hope you get a kick from our pathetic humor