where would i find the ignition switch on my 75 mav? Is it bolted to the sterring column under the dash or do i have to take the steering wheel off. Im not talking about the cylinder but the switch its self. my car has a devloped a problem were on ocasion it wont shut off. the ac and all accessories turn off but not the motor (its not diesling just not turning off) so i have to flip the choke butterfly close to get it to shut off. I orederd a new switch will be in tommorow but i havent looked for its location yet. would like to know before i star working on it .
It`s on the steering column in a not to easy place to get at. If your body bends easy it won`t be a problem. My arthritis makes doing it a little tough!
You need to remove the lower tray and unbolt 3 nuts holding the steering column. That will lower the column to remove the switch.
And don't forget that they're ADJUSTABLE... my 2nd car wouldn't engage the starter... when I loosened the steering column to find it and unbolted it (without removing it) it turned out I just needed to slide it 1/4" and tighten the bolts to make the starter engage. I guess after 40 years they can move a little... but if you've already got the new switch stick it in... just assume the old one might still be good although the contacts can dry out.