A (universal) shift knob for a toploader 4 speed with reverse left and back with 3/8"-16 threads? This is for the Jerico box in my Rambler, so I don't really want a factory Ford knob. I looked thru Hurst's site and they have about 20 different 4 speed knobs, all with reverse left and forward...
Lokar, Speed Dawg, and all the typical mfgrs make them(some come with thread inserts/adapters too). Maybe start here and browse images? https://www.google.com/search?q=4 speed shifter knob with reverse left and back with 3/8" x 16 threads&es_sm=93&biw=1280&bih=717&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=LQYgVbbmKIWEsAWix4HYAQ&ved=0CCQQsAQ#imgdii=_ Look at the 6 speed knob 4 rows down and 2nd from the left. 5th gear = County.. 6th gear = Prison. lol