I have a 77 mav with A/c and im wanting an open/cool air intake (i believe that's what its called) and I was wondering which to purchase because i have no idea where the hoses would go that are currently connected to my stock intake. do i need to purchase a whole new carb and air cleaner?
If you think you're going to gain power from doing this...............forget it. If you're doing it for the looks, then it's your money.
This is not a kit. Filter is K&N with 4" opening. Specter carb hat, and specter 4" tubing. 6"-18" 60 degree bend. The tube is about 2 inches too long, but I was able to shove the filter up a little deeper to accommodate it. I have not decided if I will put in a heat shield or not, because the filter is located right behind the holes in the radiator support. It will pull warm air at idle, but fresh cool air while moving. Can always add it later, if I want.
Actually, I WILL get more power from this...because of the 150 shot of nitrous! When I put the nitrous plate under the carb, it all sat too high to put my air cleaner on it, so I was kinda forced to go with the low carb hat and move the filter elsewhere. Looks kinda cool, too. Of course, a little cooler air won't hurt my power. Better than sucking it off from above the engine and headers.
I'm looking for the more top hat type of air cleaner, I sorry I dot know the term for this. It's like a simplistic version if what came stock without all the metal shroud and stuff
Run down to the local Advance Auto parts, there in the performance isle you'll find a Mr Gasket 14" chrome aircleaner assembly that's pretty much a dead ringer for what was used on the old 289 Hi-po. The part number is 1480. Summit sells it for about $28
What car are you refering to ? The kit comes with everything needed to replace your stock air cleaner assembly