If so, what tranny do you have? C-4 or Glide? I am wondering if a shield will fit in a stock 70 tunnel. I know it is tight...thanks!
I run a TCI shield over a glide but of course its not in a stock tunnel...I can tell you that the outer edge of the sheild stands off the the top of the tranny about 5/8ths of an inch....I'm not sure if Dedenbear makes a "super" case for a C-4 or not but that may be an option.
I believe I'm going the blanket route (the poor man's shield) ref:http://www.thunderracing.com/catalog/?action=categories&pcid=143
ATI makes a glide case with internal shield that can come with either a 157 or 164 tooth bell. nice strong setup, but not cheap. the bell does not use the weak front pump bolts. the case will withstand a 2,000+ hp motor. both case & bell are sfi certified.
Rick, you made my day. Thanks ya'll! I don't want to pay 1k just for a case, when there are plenty of 8 sec 3000lb cars that run stock glide cases. thanks.