OK, where are the experts of experts? In restoring my 71 Comet GT, I have three speedo clusters. They are from my 71, as well as 72 and 73 parts cars. One is different from the other two and I didn't know it. Where the bulb plugs in at the bottom of one cluster, it has 'ALT' for the alternator. The other two have 'Seat Belts' in that bottom hole. I assume the 71 cluster has 'ALT'. I'm not sure they pushed the seat belts so hard in 71, like I remember them doing later. One more BIG question. The light plug will not tighten down into the plug hole. Neither one is worn badly. Was there some sort of gasket that made it fit tight? I told you I needed experts of experts!
I just looked on mine (74) and the "alt" light is on the bottom. As far as being tight, I have had the little socket that holds the bulb fit loosely. Is that what you are describing? I just used a different socket. I think The boards were thicker and thinner in different years. ( just my guess) There is no gaskets on any of my bulbs. Hope this info helps!