Someone posted this on the corral. It's a very good side by side of a short deck windsor and a short deck mod motor.
I'm pretty sure my cam covers would get caught in the coil springs if I just cut some holes in the shock towers. LOL! The first time I mocked up my engine, the exhaust manifolds where sitting on top of the shock towers. I did see someone squeeze one of these into a '67 stang because it's a little wider. He got away with just notching the towers. There is NO wiggle room though. The engine has to come out to do any work on it. In fact, I'm not sure if he can get the COP covers off to get at the plugs.
Those engines are the same size, if not bigger, than a 460. Probably bigger because a 460 will bolt into a 67 up Stang without cutting. So, if you are going to make that much room, why not put a real engine in there? After all the wiring and rigging is done to get that engine in, you could have had 514 cubes for the same money. 600 cubes if you were suicidal. Dave
Maybe because he wants a DOHC Mod motor and not a 514! Maybe he would like to drive it daily! So now a 4.6 DOHC engine isnt a real engine either?
i do kinda agree w/ dave , however i have driven the 4.6 DOHC both N/A and Blown and they fly , very strong sweet sounding engine....BUT i do like cubes ,no replacement for displacement , a 600+ BBF is SICK. can you imagine how it feels on 650+lbs or so of torque in one of our cars
He's an easy one. :evilsmile The 4.6 is kind of old news now. Personally, I want to see a super charged or dual turboed 5.4 crammed in a Maverick or old Mustang.
I have a 93 Lincoln DOCH and I entertained the idea of putting in a mav but the only way would be with a mustang 2 frontend, and even then it will be tight on the sides. I also have a 01 Lightning motor and with the blower it will be too tall plus the valve covers are way up there also. Not saying it can't be done because it can but it will take alot of work. It would be cool.