Why not have a mavericks for sale area blow where the parts wanted and parts for sale area is, a idea
I could break down the classifieds into the following groups - For Sale --- Cars --- Parts - Wanted --- Cars --- Parts Any comments on such a setup?
Sounds OK to me. Just make sure (if you can) that cars for sale HAVE to put where the car is located.
Not a big deal either way. I know there have been times that I was looking for one or the other and I would scroll down scanning the list, it would be nice if it was separate.
Along the lines of the location thing is there a way so people have to put their location before they register? It doesn't have to be specific (to respect their privacy, etc), but at least the state? We always ask "where ya from" anyway.
I could add mandatory location registration, but some people do not feel confortable givine out such info.