The other day, Pat asked when I was going to get the mav out of her garage. Soooo, I guess it's time to get the headliner in so I can get the windows in and the door weatherstripping ( which I don' t have) in. I'm headed down right now to glue up some foam to go under the headliner. Will any spray adhesive work for the headliner? I should do a search. well, off to the cellar and the Mav
So, if you give up the garage, and it becomes "hers", what room will she let you claim as "yours"? I bet it has a large porcelain bowl in the middle of it... I would rather clean the garage any day...
When my wife wanted the garage back, she just went out and built me a new 2 car garage and 2 car carport.
Ok....Bob's original question was about headliner glue.... Are you talking about glue for the foam? I assume any headliner glue will work. Besides, it's above the rods. I'm not sure what to use for the actual headliner - I've only replaced the foam style headiners (think newer). I haven't done a stiched headliner in a Maverick....yet.
I do have the foam (I used headliner foam) as insul;ation and sound proofing. I'm talking about the adhesive that holds the edges of the headliner to the window openings underneath the weatherstripping.
we have two garages. One is mine, full of a LOT of Mav parts, tools, woodworking machines and lawn stuff. her's has my mav in it. I do like having two for me. but she's wants hers back heheh
Hawkco could point you in the right direction on this. I know the guy who put his in use some sort of spray adhesive. I want to say it was made by 3M..
3M makes a heavy duty spray adhesive that I used on my carpets, sound-deadener on the floorpans, and insulation inside my quarter panels (yes, I insulated inside my quarter panels after the POR-15 to keep the hot out, cold in, and noise levels down). I also used it on my subwoofer box for my truck. Works like a charm. So if they are using the spray adhesive for that, go for that stuff. $7 or $8 a can, and a can goes a long way.
I am absolutely slack jawed that you guys could possibly side with my wife. her 4 runner is made to be used outside. heheh OH, well, Marital bliss shall be re-found after I get the car out in the drive way