Ive came to the point were I could use some extra cash for the race car so I think its time for the 76 to go....but im just curious if it will be worth anything. My 2 door 76s body is pretty straight but it has a good amount of rust in the trunk. The frame rails and everything are good though. Cars gutted out but i basically have everything for it minus a engine. The only reason Im getting rid of it is because I bought to make it a race car but now i have the 73 and the 77 4door that needs work. So can you guys help me out to ballpark on what i can get for it. Thanks guys
I have the interior stripped out and all of the lights out of it but I have all of it to go with the car
In that condition, and with the current state of parts removed/missing, in order to sell it quick.....I would guess $500 or less.
Yeah I might put the car semi back together to help sell it. I most likely have enough parts to put it mostly together.