I tried a search and don't really see what i'm wanting to know. I will be needing to remove the front and back wind shields. The front one has a small crack so i'm sure it will need a new one (So i'm looking). What should I do to get them out? I was also able to get the rear chrome off but the front wants to fight with me. I was also trying to get the inside deck corners out and it seems I need to have the rear wind shield out or they will break. So far it seems that when the glass is out that is when I should do the following Work on the rear deck Install the headliner Install the vinyl top Not necessarely in that order. What would be the order to consider and am I missing anything?
My chrome/stainless pieces weren't held in very well, so they pretty much just fell off. There are little clips on the back side that are "glued" into the windshield sealant goop. If you're careful, they'll just pull right out. Once you get those pieces off, use a utility knife to cut the windshield gasket and the windshield just lifts right out after that. When you reinstall, put the gasket on first then lay it down on all the windshield goop.
Yep, just cut the gasket away, then get inside the car and push the window up and out. Helps to have at least 3 people when you do it. What ever you do, don't try to pry the glass up. It will crack. You shouldn't need the rear window out to do anything to the rear tray area. The 2 things on either side are held on with 2 nuts that are removed from the bottom side in the trunk. The cardboard piece that covers the speakers is held in place by a couple of T shaped clips that are screwed in place under/behind the upper rear seat (you have to remove the rear seat to get to them which is done by removeing the 2 sheet metal bolts at the bottom of the seat back and pulling up and out).
Blu, There is a tool that you can buy that kinda looks like a T with hooks on both ends and a handle, it is made out of flat steel that will fit under the chrome. That is the tool you need to get the chrome off the car without damaging it. I loaned mine to a friend so I cant get a picture to show you but here is a drawing of what the tool looks like (dont laugh I cant draw very good but you will get the jist of the tool) All you need to do is starting at one end place the tool under the chrome and slide it till you get to a clip, get the tip of the tool behind the clip and turn the tool and pry the clip out slightly, then pull up on the chrome piece and it will pop off. Then go to the next and do the same thing. Makes it very easy and will not damage the chrome. Good luck Don
Great drawing!!! That is EXACTLY what the tool looks like. I bought one a couple years back from an automotive paint shop, and never thought I would use it again. It has come in handy at least 3 times now, and I will need it that one last time when it is time to paint. Only cost $8, or so.
Well If Ur Windsheild Is Already Cracked And U Wanna Releive Some Stress, Just Get Inside And Kick Outward As Hard As Possible! Lol, Lots Of Fun But Be Careful Of All The Glass
Remove your trim first. Might want to place a blanket over the hood for protection, then KICK AWAY!!! Of course, if it all comes out in one piece, you still might damage your hood from it landing on it... Still sounds like fun. Saw them do it in a movie once or twice, and always looked like fun.
If I were going to purposely kick a windshield out, I think I would run several lengths of duct tape on the inside and outside, criss crossing horizontally and vertically to help hold the glass together. Maybe take a big piece of plastic or an old sheet or something and roll it up in the windows in the doors so that it covers the front seat/floor board and tape it to the top of the dash. Then take a hammer and break the glass out around the edges (man that sounds fun) and let the glass fall onto the plastic/sheet and just roll it up and carry it off to the trash with minimal mess. Ever seen a street after a wreck? Safety glass can make a hell of a mess.
There are other threads about trim removal in the archives - here is the tool. http://mmb.maverick.to/attachment.php?attachmentid=7404
the winshield will stay together for the most part with the exception of some small fragments. the blanket is a good idea (should have thought of that about 4 cars ago). once kicked out, just put on some good thick gloves (mine are coated in rubber) and have someone else do the same and two people can then properly dispose of it. and yeah, it's a blast to do!
Lol, you guys are some glass breaking FREAKS! You all make it sound like fun or something. I look forward to kicking out my wind shield...NOT! It's kinda sad for me cause it's intact at this time. I have alot of time and money invested and the thought of more time down is getting me down. The money? Well... everything costs money. Jamie, I took the small nuts off of the corner pieces but they won't come up high enough, they hit the windshield.
Instead of kicking the glass out, get a piece of piano wire, insert one end through a gap between the glass and the sealant, and with a sawing motion let the wire cut through the sealant. Work your way around the perimeter of the glass then just lift it out. This works best when you have a helper inside the car to pull on the wire. If you break the glass out, you'll be finding pieces of it in the car for years. Don't ask me how I know...
guitar string works well too, as it is kinda ribbed and works like a 'blade' for cutting thru. i've cut alot of windsheilds out with alot of different things.... then i just started kickin' 'em if i dont need them.. hehe