I should have just left it alone...... The engine was starting to sputter, cleaned the carb and the problem remained. Checked for spark and had spark but it looked kinda weak (I have no way to test amperage). I thought the ignition coil had yet to be replaced on my watch so I thought it couldn't hurt. I'd already done the rest of a basic tune-up but skipped the coil. As I started looking over the existing coil I noticed that there is a cluster of three wires, Red/yellow, red/green, and red/white. The red/green goes to the coil, Red white has a boot but isn't connected to anything, and red/yellow is spliced onto a wite/green wire that is connected to the lower drivers side of the block down near the oil pan and bell housing. The existing coil had the center terminal for the distributor, one post labeled Battery, and one labeled Dist. The new coil (made in china pos) has posts labeled + and - . Without a wiring diagram or assistance I'm a little lost. I searched the site and saw references to Marks site www.maverickcomet.com but it doesn't open. Anyone have any ideas about where I might find a wiring diagram or have other suggestions? Thanks, Spyguy
There is a link posted here called Maverick/Comet repair. Im not able to post it now but do a search with the search icon. It would help to know the year and engine of your car.
Thanks for the link. It looks like that site is chalked full of good information. I'll be spending a lot of time there here in the near future. Got all my wires identified. unfortunately That's not the problem. Might be new carb time......