first time post...just brought home 74 comet gt and a 71 comet parts car for the sheet looking for wiring diagram for the 74 and body and repair manual???
see if theres any 70-77 maverick/comet chilton manuals on ebay, or old shop manuals definatly a good start
74 gt wiring thx for the tip..i have been searching for the chilton books ..none yet....i have restored 2 favorites to keep in family..51 merc and 67 cougar..the comet seems to be my last project
im actually in the process of parting out a 68 cougar. ive got pics in the other thread if your intrested if you just need the wiring diagram someone probably has it uploaded somewhere on the web
I have the fusebox diagram saved to my PC since the factory thought it would be funny to not label them.
I have been gyped! Mine is a short black cube way up under the dash filled with random fuses in a variety of amperages including one or two that are like a 1/2 inch long. No markings, no clues as to what goes where or to what.
hmmm i dont know what to tell you. must be something ford didnt start untill later in the run. my mav and comet are both fully labled
Try: For the wiring diagrams!!! (you´ll find it under features and the under wiring diagrams) Robert.