Does anyone have one? Im mostly concerned with those around the fuse block, and all the under dash stuff. Since I deleted the radio... hvac system.... cig lighter... and the controls + a bunch of random wiring that had no purpose. Id like to be able to pull the fuses related to the stuff I removed (except the cig as thats a feed for my gauge lighting, etc) and then replace the fuse block with a modern one. Hoping to fit it in a 10 blade fuse holder I have.
you can purchase original wiring diagrams from got mine through eBay, originals are 17" x 31" and 5 pages.......may now be on CD? I was going to buy a Francis Wiring retro kit, but then thought, since I have a complete spare wiring harness, I will modify that by removing all the stuff that I do not need, make it nice a to speak, will see how it actually works out... here is one on eBay from Vancouver BC so should not be a problem mailing! 1974 and later also list both regular and electronic ignitions, price of $8 is cheap!
ah yes, I could do that, thansk for the link! Was hoping not to buy a diagram since I only need to know 9 fuses worth of purposes haha oh well
can anyone tell me which wire I need to use. I got rid of the ignition box thing or whatever it is. and I am not going straight from the ignition switch to the starting solenoid. but I need to know which wire to cut into. to go straight from one to the other.