Few weeks ago I picked up my maverick project car. yesterday while dropping out the steering and brakes I noticed that my stock underdash harness has been butchered with an aftermarket car alarm corpse. The red wire with the lt.green strip is fried possible taking a few wires with it. I'm going to run an external wire to repair the harness but I have no idea what this wire ties into. From the wiring diagrams I've seen one part runs from the fuse box to ignition switch, the second part is resisted? somewhere and goes to the gauge cluster print board? Guess my question is what does this wire do (ignition hot?) and where does it tie into so I can slice in the new wire in at the ends. After this is done I'll ohm out the fried wire to the others in fuse box, hopefully I'll see infinite! :16suspect p.s. I discovered half-assed repair tip 21, when a fuse is blown you can use tin foil wrapped about the fuse to restore power! seriously! my fuseblock is living proof!
that may be the reason the wires are melted... a friend of mine did this and turned a $30 repair into a $275 repair...he melted the guts in the...lower unit...on his outbord motor... thought of the day: "the fuse blew for a reason." ...:Handshake...