Has anyone wired a relay for use with led tail lights and does anyone have a diagram and the name of the relay that was used the led tail lights I want to use says you have to wire the relay into the turn signals for them to work.
If you used a kit and have a link for it I'll take a look and see if I can figure out what relay you need. LED's are one of those things where it could be different for every kit. Usually it's just a 12-volt standard automotive relay. I get mine at Radio Shack because they tend to be a dollar or two under the auto stores.
no I haven't got the kit just the tail lights one wire is ground one running lights and one for turn signal That's it but it says to use a relay for the turn signals
I think you may be mistaken in the use of the term "Relay." I think you may be in need of a LED flasher module or a load resister. Take a look here: http://www.superbrightleds.com/blog/blog.php?entry=07/10/2012/LED-Turn-Signals-Blinking-Too-Fast-(Hyperflashing) Micah
with your info I found out what I need thanks this site is great once again someone answered my questions