Heres a (hopefully) quick one for you guys. I was in a stupid accident (dude backed into me) and all of a sudden turning off the key doesn't turn off my car. There's nothing obvious that was damaged that could cause this, all the wires look fine, and the car still runs great (besides refusing to turn off unless I pull the coil wire). I've attached a picture to see the damage. Any ideas what could cause this?
oh that sucks.... sorry to hear about the accident. maybe the shock threw off the ignition switch? maybe the coil wire on your starter solenoid is touching 12v constant power. just a couple possibilities
So, when you turn the key to OFF do all the lights and accessories go off, but the car continues to run? Does it run at normal idle, or does it sorta stumble but continue to run? My guess, something around the solenoid, not that that narrows it down much.
Repair is $400 in parts and my labor, they just totaled it. I'll take a look at my solenoid and see if anything is touching. I replaced it a few months ago if that matters I believe the radio turns off when I turn the key off (lights would stay on independent of the key). Idles fine with key on or off. No change when I turn the key off.
the reason i point toward the solenoid is because I've had the same thing happen to me and the solenoid was the culprit. also had a bum solenoid once that once you turned the key to on it would crank and wouldn't stop till you turned the key off lol
Don't let the ins co pull that crap, any solid Maverick is worth at least $2500 or more... As of last Fri my Comet is insured for $15K...
As mentioned there are no grounds in the tumbler or AFAIK even the switch, it's all about making or breaking the circuit, ground is at the component being operated... If it's the switch either something broke/shifted inside, or it's out of adjustment...
Well they totaled it because they would only repair it with "new" parts. Nobody makes "new" Maverick parts so it would all have to be fabricated. Obviously this would be far more expensive than the car is worth (especially to idiot insurance people who sit at a desk all day). They paid me a totaled settlement of $2752 (HECK YES) and let me keep the car for free. Ive got all my replacement parts, ready to be painted and put on the car. This electrical problem is the only thing holding me back Im gonna do a quick once over today to see if anything obvious is creating a ground. Otherwise Im just gonna drop it off at a shop and let them find it for me. Keep the ideas coming though guys
Had this happen to me once, I believe it was the wire going to to "s" terminal on the solenoid had shorted to ground.
I wonder what the brass prong is for then. but ok, the rod in the switch under the column could not be working right... it's likely what maverickdan said though.