Hello. Just checking to see if anyone is going to the Woodward Dream Cruise and/or Back to the Bricks in the Flint, Michigan, area? Hope to see some of us at either place.
I will be cruising Thurs in Flint and parked Sat in Flint. Scot that was at the roundup will be there too. Rick
I'm going to try and make it. Might take the Stallion if I get the carb adjusted and running a little better....
Dale; can't make it this year. Car is a mess and so am I. Back is a mess and I can't get the car fixed in time. Maybe next year. Enjoy and take lots of pics! Earl
I should be out cruising the Thursday before the cruise and will probably be at the far north end on cruise day...
I plan on going to the free car show on Wednesday at Dean Sellers Ford 2600 Maple Road, Troy put on the USMA (4-9 pm registration 4-6). Free food and the prizes are awarded based on questions the participants vote on like 'What car would you not want to see pull up to your house to take your daughter out on a date?, What is your perfect dream cruiser?, What cruiser gets the worst gas mileage?, etc. I plan on driving to work that day so I can go to the show right from work since it is on that side of town. On Thursday evening I'll be cruising Woodward from about 5:30 until ? On Friday, be cruising Woodward in the early afternoon, doing the parade in Berkley at 6:30, going to dinner, then cruising late Friday evening. On Saturday I'm doing Back to the Bricks car show plan on getting there at 6 a.m. and spending the whole day - wife already made plans to go to the girlfriend's house for the weekend. On Sunday plan on doing the 14th Annual Afterglow Car & Motorcycle Show Red Oaks Soccer Field, Madison Heights, John R north of Twelve Mile. 9:00 - 4:00 $10 at gate. Also supposed to have a vendor swap meet. Don't know anything about this show, just thought I'd try it since the wife will still be gone.
I will be at back to the bricks on Saturday, but I will not have my car. I got a ball joint going out and don't want to drive her that far. I guess its a good thing the front end is slated for an overhaul this winter.