a friend of mines wants to swap out his older 302 for a 5.0 one. Would a long block Cobra motor fit? Here's the ad http://newyork.craigslist.org/brx/pts/1702976701.html
yes it's the same size a a regular 302 VERY GOOD DEAL i seen a bare cobra block sell for that that's a steal
Thanks for the response. He also wants to know if keeping the C4 would be a good idea. He doesn't like manual trannies He just got his C4 rebuilt about a week ago.
While I'm at it I may as well ask here instead of making another thread. We will hopefully soon start on my cars v8 conversion. Can I keep the c4 from my 200 to mate it to a 302? Also, will we encounter any problems with the column shifter when doing the swap? I like the column shifter and don't want to get rid of it.
as far as the colum shifter i think it will work but a inline 6 trans and a v8 are not a very good match unless when you had it rebuilt they rebuilt it as if it was going to a v8 ?? but if you cant afford a trans then use the one you got not sure how long it will last ?? but it has been rebuilt
Also the bellhousing on the 200 c4 is different than the bellhousing on the 302, but that can be changed. And, I believe you'll have to change the flexplate and convertor too.
the 95 cobra long block had gt40 heads on it. it also has a different cam. those are the only differences from any other roller 5.0
slight correction... 93, 94, and 95 cobras had gt40 heads. They also have crane 1.7 roller rockers, slight underdrive pulleys, a lighter flywheel, external oil cooler, and a different upper and lower intake manifold. Swapping back to th H.O cam is also proven an improvement over the installed cobra cam. But as stated all short blocks are the same.
Any idea what that cam is in the Cobra? (I should start another thread for this, i guess) Just wondering how close mine is set up to Cobra specs, minus fuel injection. I have the GT40 heads, 1.7 roller rockers, etc. Mine sounds a bit like the Cobras I see on the streets.
I'd say by reading your sig you have a very nice above and beyond cobra motor From ford muscle forums. I have read cam manufacturers on different forums stating the same thing just different wording. LOL Actually (at least I thought)...the 94-95 cobra cam is the same as the 93 Cobra (so's the whole motor for that matter). It actually has less advertised duration compared to the stock 5.0 HO(not sure of the figure), but more lift. The cam has a lobe lift of 0.28822" over the stock 5.0 HO lift of 0.2775" + the Cobra used 1.7 rocker ratios standard. As I understand the cam is the same on the intake and the exhaust (square). The Crane 2031 was suposed to be an upgrade cam offered by Crane, to work well with the cobra EEC programming, and GT 40 heads,
Here's the Cobra cam specs: .479/.479 270* advertised duration 118.25* LSA . Lobe lift is .282/.282 vs the HO's .278/.278 The Cobra's GT40 heads are also milled a second pass that yeilds a slightly smaller chamber (2 cc's less)than GT40's from other applications.