I am trying to replace the seal that goes on the bottom of the doors and all the ones I see have the wrong holes on the one end. The end that goes on the door jamb is correct with one hole. The other end goes on the door near the hinges but the seal has two holes where the car only has one. In other word each end should only have one hole. Do I continue looking or just go with using one hole? I feel I paid for something that should at least be correct to the car. I attached the link so you can see what I am referring to. Every seal I find is like this. Am I missing something?? https://autokrafters.com/side-and-l...edan-grabber-rubber-seal-pair-d0dz-6220530-1/
Makes no sense. There is only one hole on each end for the seal to connect to the door. The seal I had had one hole on one end and two holes on the other. Will not work unless I drilled another hole in the door.