How bout taking a pedal measurement??? A manual pedal is generally a 1-1½" higher than a power brake pedal... Got a orig drum brake Comet out back I'll measure to see if there is a difference...
Actually it's not, my '72 with orig rod, new carpet & '74 disc/drum MC measures 7 9/16" from carpet to bottom of pad, while the '71 with it's beat down carpet measures 7 1/4"... I've been thinking it was just a illusion but '72 no doubt sets higher... I"m probably going to add one of those hot rod mini boosters that have been mentioned, though for grins I may shortening the rod a little first... The '71 will be my guinea pig for the booster project...
As long as it can be adjusted shorter than orig no doubt, but that brings up a question... Apparently the std rod is 6" measured from TIP to CENTER of the pedal mounting opening, the adj rods I've seen say adj 6" to 6½, so may require shortening, assuming that's possible...
what do you mean by standard,do they make different lengths for power or non power or drum and disk different? Just wonder if you have seen the different length ones?
if adjustable one doesnt work i will shorten it,just hope it doesnt interfere with brake light switch, dont remember how that is mounted
Just a few days ago i dealt with this problem. I ended up cutting a little more than a 1/4 inch from the middle of the rod, Threading both parts of the rod, and used 2 jam nuts and a coupling nut to make an adjustable push rod. if you have the tap set its an easy fab. it ended up looking almost identical to this (plus one jam nut)... to be clear, the pic above is from a universal kit i found online to use as an example of what my adjustable rod looks like.
That's great, that's what i did in the past (over 20years ago) but i now suffer from C.R.S and had a brain fart......but any way-that's originally what i wanted to do , but if you read my earlier post when i changed the old master out for the disc brake one I used the new rod and now cant get it out. I tried pressing it out but instead of the clip breaking it felt like if i put any more pressure on it it was going to snap the ears on the new master off....i tried something similar to Moneymaker 1 figuring the quick pull instead of the steady pressure might be better but that didn't work either; so after trying these ideas is when i came up with the adjustable rod idea...i dont have a welder like a few others here that cut theirs and welded back together and i'm too cheap/dont have the disposable funds to buy another master or i guess i can just live with it for now or I'll try the fork idea to separate it.
Trying to figure out how the setup works compared to the top picture? The one thing escaping is how is going to be attached to the brake pedal? I assume the U shape bracket is what's intended to attach there? It appears the hole in that bracket is much smaller than it needs to be to attach to brake pedal?