I like the Milodon #16113. Fits 1970-78, aluminum, high volume, Summit, $72. I have two in service at this time. RLB
This might be a dumb question. But is it Wise to run a high flow water pump such as this https://www.summitracing.com/parts/gmb-125-1420p/overview/make/ford. On a more or less stock explorer motor? Or would it be too much flow?
The pump has a passenger side inlet. Is that what you want? According to the reviews on the Summit website a number of owners are running that pump on stock engines and love its performance. One reviewer suggested installing a high flow thermostat.
I've heard too much flow can cause heating issues, but I suspect that problem is more likely due to iffy radiator that can't shed the heat... Dirty cores act as insulation so coolant isn't in contact with the metal... AFAIK there was only one pump that was used for std, HD or A/C applications, amount of radiator cores & thickness did change for these applications... Ford was sometimes known to alter pulley diameter if cooling issues were reported...
Yep that is the one he is running and his engine runs absolutely perfect. I have the same engine and everything but mine doesn't like the pump. I think mine was poorly rebuilt.
So then you recommend the high flow t stat? This is the pump I am considering now https://m.summitracing.com/parts/bra-1650
Hard to say. A thermostat is designed to stay closed until it hits it rated temperature (180F, etc.). I'm not sure that needs to change due to a water pump that has an increased flow rate. I saw a mention of high flow water pumps possibly causing thermostats to stay closed due to increased flow/pressure, but I'm not sure whether that is a real issue or not.