I'll look around, but might have to get help with that one. The driver side has never worked, not since i've owned it anyway.
I still see a bolt where it should be, but when i had it off i dont recall seeing the ground wire. i'll look again though and actually look for that.
the wire could be broken or someone could have tucked it back into the loom. Both of mine are mounted just below the level of the gravel pan on the radiator support. I moved them higher in another hole, but mine didn't come with the sport lamps, I just had turn signals. I added the sport lights.
I hope not to over step here but maybe this will help.If it is the driver side on a 72 grabber my car is as this'three wires from sport light goes to junctiondown to two wires to plug to harness plug just out side of radiator support.the ground wire actually come from the engine side of the rad. support and is two wires together. a round eye end connects them to the car.,only comes threw maybe 6 to8 inches long.5/16 or so bolt maybe 2 inches from the radiator opening.If it would help i can email pics to you. I cant seem to get from phone to here.Thats all i got.
Yours definitely looks like mine. Go ahead and e-mail them to me...Trotterman356@hotmail.com. Or if it's easier you can send them to my phone 503-476-2719....No stalkers now.
Thanks for the pic...More good news/bad news. The ground is there, however that means i have a different problem for why my sport lamp doesn't turn on. time to wiggle!
Hmmm, The light is on now but very dull...Doesn't make sense to me since both bulbs are brand new and exactly the same...any thoughts?
hmmm...Might have to have my old man take a look, he knows a lot more than i do. i'll tweak with it a bit and see if i can get anything though.
may take the ground loose,sandpaper the ground end and where it bolts to.after you bolt back to car make sure you shoot a spot of paint back on the area too protect from rust if you do.i had corrosion in my ground on pass side.