It's not just matter how much I like my car, if it got next one would be twice as nice. On the Detroit news the other night, they were saying how they disconnect the linkage on the transmission, and push your car away these days. Then they load it on to something, and take it away...
I was watching TV one time and this company used a heavy duty fog machine with recordings of growling Dogs. Non of the test subjects could stand the claustaphobia, let alone the Growling Dogs.
Another low buck trick is to attach a piece of chain to the inside framing of the hood, and padlock it to the radiator support. You leave just enough slack so that you can pop the hood and unlock it. A hood with no springs makes this hard to open, but also hard to defeat. My buddy did this to his Firebird after the battery disappeared one night.
Sometimes if I feel my car isn't safe. I will pull the main wire off the distributor. Engine will crank but no spark!
i have a hidden combination switch, plus i have a viper alarm, and since it all could be easily bypassed with the hood open, i put a chain to the hood linkage that locks to the valance, that way the hood can't be opened.
It's surprisingly easy. Here's the first setup we tried on the falcon. The falcon needed a shield to protect the cable from bolt cutters, the maverick doesn't require it since the latch and cable are tucked nicely into the hood. and here's my thread on it.
captain comet beat me to the post on this. On my cars I always have a hidden fuel cut off. They may start it but it won't get very far. Obviously, this won't help if towed away but around here most theives are too stupid to due that. If they can't start it and get away quick they give up. I have wired them into the dimmer switch, The high beam switch, and as an auxillary stand alone switch that blends in.
Ok, so now you have chained the hood, added a latch, alarmed the crap out of the car, added a shut off and a tow truck driver hooks up with a snatch truck and it's gone in less the 30 seconds....What do you do to get it back????? I've lost one car and it had stuff to warn us and scare armatures...we never got it back...Lojack will get it back 97% of the time..Until December they are just $295 installed, one time charge for the collector car unit. Look into it guys, short of sleeping in your car, you can't stop a guy that wants it, but you can get it back before it gets chopped up.