Hello all, I was thinking of swapping out the c4 to an AOD and was wondering what all is needed to make the swap, also is it possible to use the stock floor shifter
I used a stock Maverick floor shifter with my first AOD swap. AOD crossmember TV/TC bracket - SRK-4000 - TV Cable - KD-2AODHT Throttle Cable-TC1000U
when I was looking into using an AOD, my tranny builder said he could set it up where the cable is not needed, he has done several that way, not sure how many know how to accomplish that but he said it will run cooler and handle more HP and can be set up for 1-2-3-OD. not sure how that is done either, unfortunately my 69.5 has the small tunnel and would have been too tight.
The AOD quadrant only has six positions, has to be done with modified or custom valve body... Lentech valve bodies make the O/D on/off switchable, then there is room for PRN123... For not using the TV cable probably was going full manual valvebody... The one I had in my Bird(I modded valve body) didn't need the cable but it did shift early without it, so I kept it in place...
The Lentech is a Great OD Transmission. I ran a performance unit in the 74 Comet which is in Europe now .. I had it set up with an ' Electric Shift ' with a rocker-switch and a light on my console. Just flicked the switch and I was in business and the light let me know I was there . Highly recommend it ! I had a ' Hammer-Shifter' also everything worked fine. Cometized (Chip)
he makes mods to the valve body and he mentioned pressure mods thats all I recall, I think was done using stock valve body. I did ride in a vehicle with one of them and was very impressive but now that I think about it probably only has the six positions all I was interested in was no TV cable
Yeah I have one of those trans for my T-Bird, the regular/premium switch used with the half motor will become the O/D on/off sw...
If I was to use the stock shifter that means on the stock shifter housing D=OD 2nd=D 1St=2nd Is this correct?
Ok so it's 1st gear then skips right into drive? Sorry about the question I don't really know a lot about transmissions in general
Tom, I have to do the same thing on my Bird. Did you buy a whole Lentech tranny or just one of their valve bodies?
I bought the trans from a friend that did buy the VB from Lentech & had a performance rebuild done by a shop over in Newport News...