Really happy with the Relay mod.....worked out great. But my brights still don't work. Feeling a little stumped at the moment and hoping someone might have an idea what's wrong. I've replaced the headlight switch, replaced the floor switch, done the relay mod, replaced the headlamps, replaced the voltage regulator, checked for ground problems. The low beams work great. When I press the floor switch the lights go completely out but the red indicator light in the speedo gauge lights up just dandy. Press the foot switch again, low beams come back on the the red indicator light goes out. I think my car has a terrible sense of humor....Anyone have an idea why the highbeams are not working?
you need to trace the flow of power for the brights. get a test light. auto parts stores sell them pretty cheap. turn on the lights in the brights circuit. check to see if there is power at one of the light bulb sockets. if there is then its most likely both bulbs are bad if no power then you need to go to the relay that you installed and see if it gets power from the factory wire that should be turning on the relay. then keep going back in the wiring till you find the power. i really suspect that the bulbs are bad. i cant remember if you replaced those.
Replaced them yesterday....Brand new Silverstars. I am an electrician by trade so you'd think I'd carry a multimeter like most guys (me included) carry a pocket knife. I swear it's always in my service truck when I want it at home...and I'm terrified to take it home for fear of forgetting to take it back to work. (and buying another one would make sense....just too busy buying voltage regulators and other parts I didn't need). I'll have it tomorrow...just wondering if there was some mystery component I wasn't aware of and hadn't replaced/tested yet. The relays are wired exactly like this post: and I'm confident that they are not the problem....but I understand and appreciate the question. One thing I was wondering about...and I think the answer is no but I can't find there separate fuses for the low and high beams in the fuse panel?
The relays are brand new also....just put em in yesterday. That said, this problem existed before I ever put the relays in. I kinda hoped that the relays would solve it but they didn't. I did try switching them and the problem didn't follow the relay.
No, headlights circut breaker in switch is the same. HB indicator works, good chance wire broke to relay or relay miiiswired (I know but worth double check) $3 cheapo multi-meter good to keep in trunk, test light, or wire a car light to make your own,,,
Check your harness plug where it bends and plugs in the dimmer (foot switch) wires are famous for breaking there
For reference, even though you have added additional relays, it may help:
????? did the high beams work before installing the relays ???? if so the problem is in your relays or how they were wired still could be a bad dimmer switch i would start at the dimmer switch and work my way out to the head lights
Does the light green/black wire have power at the relay when the highbeams are on? If not but it has power out of the dimmer switch, check the bulkhead connector at the firewall. I have seen them burn the terminals in the past.
Dont forget to make use of jumper wires. Can save a ton of time on vehicle electrical to narrow down your search.