During the replacement of my exhuast manifold gasket, almost all of my bolts either stripped or broke of in the head. I have taken the head off and had a machine shop take the bolts out and completly refinish the head and valves. I have every thing back together except the manifold, anyone know where i can order some manifold bolts for a 200 slant 6? I dont know where to order these or what size they are because the machine shop didnt give them back including my thermostat housing and spark plugs.... any help i am grateful for.
Melvins Classic Ford has what you need: http://www.parts123.com/parts123/yb...~S4BR19I9TN50160279480a~Z5Z5Z5~Z5Z5Z50001018o http://www.parts123.com/parts123/yb...~S4BR19I9TN50160279480a~Z5Z5Z5~Z5Z5Z50001018o http://www.parts123.com/parts123/yb...~S4BR19I9TN50160279480a~Z5Z5Z5~Z5Z5Z50001018o
Are all the threads good? You might want to look into that before ordering bolts. You might need a slightly longer than stock to get onto decent thread or possibly even a different size bolt if they were worked on by the shop.
I would use studs & put nuts w/ lock washers on,& use stainless steel ones,Then if you ever have to do it again,which you might because those heads are bad about cracking,it will be easier to get the manifold off.
I was scrolling down to write the same thing. Think I would go with some anti seize on the studs too...