My heater box is shot and I really don't feel like parting mine back together. Has anyone ever installed a universal heater box?
Here is a short thread on it. There some others as well.
I just installed one over the holidays it was only $65 shipped with 3 speeds, no defroster option though unless I do some fancy modifications. Works pretty well but looks like and ugly add on hanging under the dash
Yes it really does look put of place I live in CA so defrost in not a major concern for me. I only paid 65 and it does the job and was a quick fix that was the biggest reason I got this one and I did not have one. There are others that are hidden and then you can run ducting to existing vents/defrost, but like I said this one was cheap and fast to install, the weather was getting cold fast and it was the family car, just drove 200 miles with 5 people for the holidays.