My 76 maverick was running fine until the other day when all of a sudden it stalled .. Couldn't get it started, had it towed to the house .. I changed the fuel filter, and it started right up, but stalled 3 minutes later... I changed the fuel pump .. No start. I changed the coil .. No start .. Any suggestions ?? Could it be air in the fuel line ?? It has a Carter carburetor on a 260 4.1 straight inline six ..
I just went out and tried starting it .. It started right up .. Ran for about 3 minutes and stalled again ... Not starting right now .. Turning over but no start .. Suggestions ?? Could it be air in lines ??
Fuel all but never causes a sudden shut off. If the gas tank fell off, it'd still run on what was in carb. That it starts right up after setting says it's not fuel. Check for spark when it won't start.
When it will not start - do you still see the accelerator pump squirt fuel into the carb? That would rule out the fuel starvation too.
Probably 99% the ignition module is bad, they are famed for causing sudden stalls. Probably a 95% chance. Those things were trouble prone 30-40 years ago.
Also called the ignition module - looks like this - you will see it under the hood attached to the distributor and coil wiring.
But will the car start again after sitting for a few hours if it's bad ? Because that is what's happening ..
That's the usual symptom, stalls after a few minutes usually without warning. Older electronics are rife with interminants. Bang on box when it stalls to see if it'll restart. If you have a adverson to abuse, use a ice pack.
The car ran for 5 minutes and stalled .. Tapped on the module . nothing .. Checked the fuel line to the carb from the pump to see if it was getting gas . when I removed the fuel line it sprayed back at me .. Reconnected the fuel line .. It started right up .... Vapor lock ???