just put in my wire harness but my sport lights won’t come off they stay on no matter what I do and my switch doesn’t work to take them off either. Thanks
I dont believe there is a relay for the sport lights, just power to switch and then to sport lights . Switch could be bad or the wiring has been changed at one time or another
How can I detect the wire or wires that are bad ? And all my other lights work head lights turning signal break light etc
You need to have a 12 volt test light at the least and start at the sport light switch and see if when you turn it on/off it makes any difference, if the test light lamp stays lit no matter what the switch position is in then more than likely the switch is bad. You can unplug the sport light switch and if they dont turn off then you need trace wires from the sport lights to wiring harness plug on fire wall You say you just put in your wiring harness in could you explain more as to the reason for install
Yes....there is a relay for sport lamps. 1972 for sure. Maybe 1971 as well. It is located behind the drivers front kick panel.
I stand corrected, it has been awhile since I dealt with a car that had sport lights but now that it is brought up about the location I remember. Good place to start looking
I had a 71, and it does have the relay in the drivers kick panel. As far as I know all cars with the sportlamp option came with the relay. Interesting note - the wiring connectors changed for the switch from a 71 to a 72 harness.
Yes, that is it - harness plug for the switch was different between the years. I would disconnect the switch and see if that kills the lights. If not, I would move on to the relay and check that.